Today was my first day back in my classes. Since I’m the type to think ahead I decided to look through my syllabus for my class tomorrow. It turns out I have to plan a special event for a non-profit organization. Now knowing me, I always try to make things about weddings. So I went to google and typed in “Non-profit wedding” and I was really touched by what I found.
This company is called Wish Upon a Wedding. It reminds me of the Make-A-Wish Foundation but the big wish that they provide for terminally ill patients is a wedding. Wish Upon a Wedding connects with vendors who want to give back to the community in the best way they know how.
One unique thing about the company that I particularly appreciate is that it doesn’t discriminate based on sexual orientation. That’s very forward thinking of them (although we do all feel the change already of course).
Feel free to check out their website, it has a touching video about what they program offers: