Legally Blonde is one of my favorite movies! And thankfully the second one provided us with a wedding! Having the wedding in a baseball field (as Emmett wanted) would have been a great touch, the creation they made was not exactly what I pictured for Elle Woods.

It all started with Elle's very own wedding planning corner in her Washington office. Of course she decked things out in pink but she also found a way to balance planning a huge event and passing legislation.

Then she takes time to pick out flowers with with her doorman. Who happens to say that calla lilies are the it flower for weddings. So if you're looking to be like Elle, go with the calla lilies (and probably a lot of pink flowers).

Elle even takes some time to try out different "I do up-do's" (that definitely need incorporated in daily wedding language). Although I was a bit confused at to why she loves the up-do so much and chose instead to have her hair down. Oh well.

Second, did you notice that the flowers are purple? If she loves pink enough to make her wedding dress that color then why wouldn't her flowers follow suit? I do like having an accent color for weddings so I don't mind this as much but it seems out of place.
Lastly, Elle drives away in a super adorable car! But what's so wrong with that? SHE is driving. I don't know about other woman but on my wedding day I don't want be worrying about driving. Get a driver or at least don't emasculate your husband and let him drive. I'm sure plenty of people don't agree with me on that. I am a strong feminist but I personally prefer classic gender roles. I know that's not for everyone so take it or leave it .
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